IoPT traumeterapi gruppe
Varmt velkommen til IoPT gruppen (på norsk) hos Vital Oslo med oppstart fredag, 18. oktober kl 17-20. Det er en fast gruppe som inkluderer fem sammlinger, med mulighet for egene selvmøter (resonansprosess) eller å være observatør/resonansgiver.
Trauma & relationships: How unresolved childhood trauma can impact adult relationships
In this FREE workshop we will explore how childhood trauma can adversely impact our relationship patterns. We will look at how early trauma lead to anxious and/or avoidant attachment styles and how we can integrate trauma with the help of IoPT and the intention method.
Fra traumatisering til endring: Styrke dine indre ressurser med IoPT traumeterapi
I denne GRATIS workshopen vil du lære om traumer og hvordan vi kan integrere traumatiske erfaringer med hjelp av IoPT og intensjonsmetoden.
Workshopserie "En vei til et sunnere jeg"
Varmt velkommen til “En vei til et sunnere jeg” ved Vital Oslo, som er en workshopserie bestående av seks samlinger og temaer. Dette er for deg som ønsker å få bedre kontakt med deg selv, lære om traumer & healing, og få verktøy og inspirasjon for å fremme helhetlig velvære.
Transform Your Relationships
Join us for this workshop where we explore the dynamics of relationships, attachment styles, and the underlying impact of childhood trauma on our relationship patterns.
GRATIS-Workshop "En vei til et sunnere jeg"
Hjertelig velkommen til denne gratis introduksjons-workshopen til vår kommende Workshopserie “En vei til et sunnere jeg” ved Vital Oslo, som starter 21. mars.
Writing for Wellbeing: A free journaling workshop
Writing for Wellbeing is a free, online journaling workshop, which invites you to explore the power of therapeutic journaling and mindfulness in a warm & supportive community.
Women's Group - Autumn 2023
I invite you to join this safe & trauma-informed space for women to explore different topics and to grow together in community.
Introduction Workshop to IoPT Therapy
This online workshop is designed for anyone who is interested in IoPT (Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Theory) and how we work with trauma in a therapeutic setting.
Understanding & Navigating Trauma with IoPT
A workshop on understanding & navigating trauma, consequences of trauma, resonance & the opportunity to experience an IoPT Self-encounter.
Body Wisdom: Navigating Trauma
Warmly welcome to another session of “Body Wisdom: Navigating Trauma”, a workshop on healing and understanding trauma. This is an in-person event in collaboration with Živilė Virkutytė from Less Stress.
Body Wisdom: Navigating Trauma
Warmly welcome to “Body Wisdom: Navigating Trauma”, a workshop on healing and understanding trauma. This an in-person event in collaboration with Živilė Virkutytė from Less Stress.
Journey to Self
This three-day journey is designed to help you explore yourself on a deeper level and to help you heal and transform from the inside out.
Women’s Circle
This Women’s Circle will be centered around the topic “Identity & Self-Love”.
Deep Dive
Deep Dive is a course + reflection group for anyone who is interested to learn about IoPT, trauma & healing. This session will focus on the topic “Trauma & Identity”.
Women’s Circle
Welcome to Women’s Circle! As this will be the first circle of 2023, it will be centered around the topic “How past trauma impacts our future”.
Women's Circle
This circle will be centered around the topic “Boundaries & Self-Worth”. Women’s circle is a place for community, healing and self-discovery.
Women's Circle
Women’s Circle is facilitated from a holistic and trauma-informed perspective. This is an open circle, not centered around a specific topic.
Varmt velkommen til kvinnesirkelen. Denne sirkelen vil fokusere på temaet “ Traumer & Healing”.
Women's Circle
Welcome to another Women’s Circle. This circle will be centered around the topic “Trauma & Healing”.
Women's Circle
Come and join us for another Women’s Circle. A place for community, healing and self-discovery.
Women's Circle
Warmly welcome to the Women's Circle.This circle will be centered around the topic "Relationships".
An evening with IoPT
Warmly welcome to an evening with IoPT and the possibility for two self-encounters.
Velkommen til kvinnesirkelen, et trygt og traume-informert rom, der du kan være deg selv, dele og utforske følelsene dine, snakke sannheten din og har muligheten for å komme i dypere kontakt med deg selv og andre.
Women’s Circle
Et trygt rom, der du kan dele dine erfaringer og følelser, reflektere og få støtte og inspirasjon.